It is a worrying thought that solvents originating from paints in everyday use are emitted into the air and is not something we would actually wish to happen. Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs are creeping into the our surroundings. This can have a number of bad effects; for one, it can lead to the ozone to deplete, it can add to the problem of smog and also the big one; it can add to global warming. As people become more and more cognizant of the problems posed by global warming, alternatives to normal paints are being sought. During the ’90s, when we saw the first eco friendly paints, they didn’t become popular.
So, will eco friendly paints become more popular with the heightened awareness of global warming? But, there’s another problem: the painting professionals. If paints do not come with the volatile organic compounds, the paint pros say that these are substandard to paints that have them. These gurus also assert that these Earth friendly paints also require additional coats in order to see the same finish as typical paints, and that they are not long lasting. The paint industry should think about the health worries relating to VOCs, including breathing complaints like asthma and that people are going for green paints.
A solution to the issue is to utilize latex paints that are water based, containing acrylic resin which functions as a binder. Because VOCs are not present, it means they are Earth friendly. Still, like just about everything, there is a drawback: latex paints can’t be used to paint on iron because they are water based, which ends up making the iron rust much faster. Regardless of this downside, latex paints are becoming more and more popular with consumers.
When we say ‘environmentally friendly paints’, we don’t just mean the paint itself is safe for the environment, but also the procedure in which the paint was manufactured or how the ingredients were gathered. For instance, something that can conceal other paints is called Titanium Dioxide. Titanium Dioxide is made using a couple of processes that result in weak sulphuric acid being produced. Sulfuric acid, along with the chemical substances that were dissolved in it, was released into the sea, which of course is not great for the environment.
Smog can be the by product of Titanium Dioxide reacting with the sun when used externally. A carcinogen that may cause cancer likewise has implications with Titanium Dioxide. Titanium Dioxide can still be found in paints even though all of this evidence. Visit Clayton painting professionals for more tips.
People are becoming increasingly mindful of the issues regular paints pose to both their health and to the environment, so it’s no surprise to know that environmentally friendly paints are becoming more popular.
House Painting: All You Need To Know About Earth Friendly Paints | CGA Home Mods